- 28km Hike or Run
- Team Relay 40km Hike
- 40km Hike
- 40km Trail Marathon
- Team Relay 65 km Ultra
- 65 km Ultra
"I know some people might have thought that the mandatory equipment was too much but on race day when I had to sit down in the rain and use my first aid kit to bandage a cut on my knee I was very grateful for having my thermal and jacket. I was also able to notify the race directors of my withdrawal and contact my family to advise them of my status"
Tim a solo runner from our 2021 event
Yes, every runner that takes part on the day must have their gear checked off at the mandatory opening ceremony or at an allocated venue i.e. Tribe&Trail in the weeks leading up.
Teams may share mandatory gear and pass it on to the next runner. For example if you are sharing jackets and thermals they must fit all runners. We wouldn't advise sharing hydration systems so you will need to show at mandatory gear check that you have one for each runner.
Yes, we want everyone to do their part for the community. This photo will ideally be in nature and feature you in it i.e. selfie mode. We would love for you to post this photo to your social media and tag @transcendtrails.
You can have your Mandatory gear certificate completed at Tribe&Trail up until the Thursday pre event. Please print the certificate for them to complete, they won't print one for you. Then keep that certificate and take it to the opening ceremony for bib pick up.
If you can not show your mandatory kit at any point on course you will not be able to proceed until you have it and will be penalised 30 minutes.
1.) Please ensure it is 100% charged morning of the event. If your phone does not hold charge well we recommend having a battery pack.
2.) Telstra Coverage is recommended as other service providers have no to very limited range in this region. Please note pre paid phones are permitted providing they have sufficient credit to make a call if an emergency situation was to arise.
3.) You must download the Emergency Plus phone application and enable GPS location whilst using app.
4.) Add the Event directors to your phone address book:
Use the MOBILO QR code to download these number automatically to your phone.
RD Shane Johnstone 0428 122 378
RD Mitchell Craig 0439 935 314
To be worn on your front, attached to the outermost garment at all times. A triathlon elastic belt will help you achieve this much easier, especially for teams looking for a quick changeover. Expect to be layering clothes in wet and cold conditions.
Each 40km hiker, solo 65km runner and teams will be issued a tracker.
1x crepe bandages 7.5cm x 2.3m long
1x specific snake bandage 10cm x 4.5m
6x wound closure strips (steristrips)
1x triangular bandage
2x non stick wound dressing pads
1x pair of surgical gloves
Please note Tribe & Trail stock these first aid packs
These are not to be modified.
Most trail running hydration packs have an inbuilt whistle.
You are required to have 750ml minimum water carrying capacity.
We recommend you have a collapsible cup or suitable water container that can be filled up at aid stations. Please note for environmental reasons there will not be pre filled cups. There will be water and Tailwind at designated aid stations in 20L reservoirs. You are also welcome to leave a drop bag at ALL Aid Stations with additional nutrition and hydration supplies in a container less than 30cm x 30cm, labelled with your name and race bib number. Shopping cooler bags are ideal.
Aid 1: 12km
Aid 2 : 25km (40km start)
Aid 3: 37km (40km first stop / 28km start)
Aid 4: 52km (40km second stop / 28km only stop)
Please note the start will be in the dark for approximately 20 min and sunset is at ~5:50pm. Even if you expect to finish in day light we have to assume the worst case scenario and that is why you are required to carry the head lamp and high vis vest.
ONLY during legs 2 and 3 you are not required to carry a head lamp, spare batteries and high vis vest.
A phone light does not meet our mandatory requirements. Please make sure both sets of batteries for your lights are full charge.
Your High Vis vest must meet Australian standards and not be modified.
The vest must be worn as your outer most layer (over your pack)
The High Vis vest and head lamps are to be used after 5:40pm.
Please note: You are NOT required to wear the high vis vest on Leg 1 due to the proximity of the leg 1 route and because you are only likely to be in darkness for a maximum of 20 minutes.
This can be a zip lock bag. Please place your phone and head torch in this bag. Note you will go through some creek crossings and there is a chance of rain. It is also advisable to put your thermal (if necessary) in this bag to keep it dry.
This is to keep you warm and dry. Please note if you need medical assistance due to the remoteness of this course it may take a while for support to reach you. Taped seams are not a mandatory requirement but it is highly recommended. The jacket must be a size that fits you.
Have one food item that has 20-30g of carbohydrates in addition to planned nutrition. Please label 'emergency' on this item. You will finish with this item unless you had to resort to an emergency scenario.
1.) Please take the time to do your part for the region and pick up 5 pieces of rubbish (use tongs) then take a photo of the items for evidence before you dispose of them appropriately. For your photo please take it out and about and with you in it i.e. selfie mode. Please don't just take 5 pieces of rubbish out of your home bin, embrace the event ethos and Give. Gain. Grow. Tag @transcendtrails on social media with your photo for extra awareness. Please note this can be done in the weeks leading up to the event.
2.) Each Transcend participant (excluding the Kids Dash but they are welcome to join in) is asked to facilitate a fundraising campaign for the Australian Wildlife Conservancy and raise ideally a raise $20+. Please note every donation over $2 is tax deductible. Why AWC? They are doing amazing projects across the nation for our native flora and fauna! They also have taken it upon themselves to connect Walyunga National Park to Avon Valley National Park with the wildlife corridor, Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary, which a lot of the Transcend participants will pass through. Your fundraising campaign could be as basic as baking 10x cupcakes to sell at your workplace for ~$3 each. Or if you are keen to raise funds via a campaign page. If every one raises the basic $20 we should be able to fundraise 10K+ for their great cause. The donation portal to promote, submit funds raised or direct friends and family to is here
3.) Plant a native tree at the finish line. We are strong believers in that giving back to the land is much more important than receiving a token finisher medal. You will however still get some great free pics and your Transcend merch.
This item will depend on weather and water levels. It would be wise to put this in a water proof bag to protect it from sweat or rain. the thermal must be a size that fits you. Please note in 2021 the thermal was required and in 2022 it wasn't. We will announce at the opening ceremony or earlier if this item is needed.
Transcend Trails